Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Lambs in Springtime

A few days ago Timmy & I had made an elaborate plan to swim and cook out, and sun tan and do anything we could out side. When we woke up yesterday at around 9:30 ish and it was obvious that there would be no fun in the sun,(because you couldn't see the sun) rain clouds were looming and the day was already ruined before it had even began.

Fortunately I devised an alternative, more fun, plan.

So off we went! We went to Benton to visit Tim's brother Heath and his wife Melissa and their adorable munchkins Kalyn and Keali! We had so much fun! Melissa made us Awesome Blossoms and Baked Potatoes for dinner and we played hide and go seek. We snuggled and talked and took pictures, and we went to get ice cream at Mc Donald's while the littles played on the Mc-y D's playground.

Tim, Kalyn & Keali

Me, Kalyn & Keali

Heath & Keali

Melissa, Keali, Kalyn & Tim

Kalyn & Keali eating ice cream

This is my Favorite picture from our visit. They are tooooooooo perfect for eachother. Cute huh?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The "A" word......and by the "A" word I mean Aliens.

Today was strange. This morning at work 2 odd things happened: 1.) My co-worker Angela had a customer, he was in the store for ever, so it turned out he wanted a watch that she was going to have to order, so he said he'd call her back. About an hour or so later he called back and I answered the phone. He said something I couldn't understand, started laughing and asked to speak with Angela. I handed Angela the phone and she told me that he had asked me if I was the cute one and continued to ask her questions about me like, "Is she married?" = So that was odd cause I can't remember the last time I got hit on. 2.) We sent back a whole lot of Jewelry today and in the return to vendor supplies there was a huge role of bubble wrap, this thing was probably as big around as a tire on a semi truck & probably about 3 ft wide. So I got to play with bubble wrap all day long since we used as little of it on packing as possible. After we were done packing up jewelry we wrapped my boss's chair and desk, (not my idea, but I wish I could take credit for it. It was actually compliments of my friend Sarabeth) with about 4 layers of bubble wrap and duck tape. So I guess work was just easy and a little dull, nobody wants to buy jewelry since gas is so high so my work experiences as of late have been more and more hum drum since we have to entertain ourselves.

After work not alot happened, Tim and I were supposed to go see Indiana Jones with Clabe and Hilary,but Tim fell asleep and Clabe had to deal with some family stuff, so Hilary and I went. I feel terrible because about 20 minutes into the film I realize the plot is all about Aliens. Now I haven't know Hilary for very long, but I do know that she has a terrible fear of Aliens. So I'm sitting there wondering what she's gonna do. So the second I see the first Alien I naturally start making fun of how rubbery and ridiculous it looks and laughing hysterically and she's barley peeking through her fingers at it. I felt bad but the CGI was just so bad, it was hard to take the movie seriously; the actors and the people and the sets were great but the CGI was so incredibly bad. 3 words: Monkeys, Ants, & Aliens......

Monday, May 26, 2008

Testing 1-2-3

I have another picture on my blog. I am feeling terribly accomplished today and for my next act of amazing-ness I will add a half way decent picture of myself that is a little more recent than Christmas 2006......


Yay! I have a picture on my blog!!!
OK I was thinking that I was going to start getting good at this whole daily blog posting thing but obviously not.
Alot has gone on since the 7th.
1.) I did another day on the art bus & again the kindergartners were unquestionably the best of all the kids. 2.) my dad was admitted to the hospital cause he thought he was having a heart attack, he didn't, but they still don't know what's wrong with him. 3.) I decided that I am not taking summer classes. 4.) We went to visit my parents on mother's day and Juno pooped behind my dad's chair,which personally I thought was pretty funny. 5.) Tim and I found a couple to go on double dates with (their names are Claiborne& Hilary) and we went to see Speed Racer together. 6.) We bought new bedding and decided to paint the walls in our room green, but I don't know when we'll get around to that. 7.) I "mowed" the lawn, got the mower stuck in a mud puddle, got stung by a bee, and fell in my ditch while stumbling down to Tim's parents so that his momma could fix my bee sting. This all happened in a span of 5 or so minutes. Honestly I'm not very good at mowing the lawn but I had alot of fun trying. 8.) Tim and I laid out in the backyard and I thought I covered him up in sunscreen (SPF 30) But apparently I missed some spots he looked like he had a raccoon mask and I missed half of a leg and his sides. Those parts were RED the rest didn't even tan. SPF 30 works but only if you put it on, all over. After I unintentionally burnt Tim we played in the kiddie pool with baby Luke and Klarice and while running and screaming and trying to splash Tim, I accidentally punched him in the eye. It wasn't a great day for poor Timmy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"The Artmobile"

Today I did tours for the "Artmobile", it's a traveling art gallery. In the art gallery there are 23 pieces of art,which myself & my friend James (another Art Ed major at ASTATE)explained to 2 groups of forth graders, 2 groups of third graders, a group of second graders, a group of kindergartners, a group of fifth graders and a group of sixth graders. The kids were all alot of fun except for the sixth graders, they were rotten. I think the kindergartners were my favorites there was one little girl who came up & held my hand while we walked through the tour, a little boy who asked we if I made all they art, & a different little girl who told me I was pretty. They were fun.

Another neat thing about the tour was that it was at my elementary school. It was funny to be back there all the halls were the same colors,(but they looked smaller-I guess that could be attributed to the fact that I have probably grown two or so feet since I was last in the building) and I actually went into the room where I had kindergarten. The same nurse, and the same librarian still work there. And coincidentally the teacher of the second group that toured was actually my forth grade teacher, she didn't remember me.

After all the tours and school had let out, Tim and I got groceries. On our way home Mom called and she, Emily, & Micah said they wanted to come play with my puppies and that they would be in the backyard waiting for us when we got home. They were. Emily and Micah both got glasses a couple of days ago, today was the first day that I got to see them, they both look very beautiful, but of course I told them that the looked like dorks, I've been around Tim far to long....Emily had to go to church so me,Tim, Micah and mom all went to Petco, I like to look at the fish. Micah and I saw three albino snakes it was very unusual.
April: Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that two Thursdays ago I found out that I have a marble sized cyst on my left lady lump... Dr. said it is benign so I'm not that worried about it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

From February- May 5.2008 [Monday]

Alot has gone on since I started and abandoned this poor blog site.
1.) Tim turned 22. 2.) We went to our first NBA Basketball Game. 3.) I was chosen as a featured artist in the 2008 Juried Student Exhibition. 4.) I stopped working at Gordon's full time.
March: In March I started keeping a journal so it will be alot easier to remember what happened in March. 1.) I got to help my Grandma Deon whose hose was destroyed by tornadoes move into a new duplex w/ mom and her husband Jack. 2.) I spent a week with my Papa and Grandma Nancy in Pea Ridge. Also while in Pea Ridge got to spend a little time with my Great Grandparents and decided that I want to live in Pea Ridge in a house that my Great Grandpa Russell (age 93) built in the forties when my Papa was a kid. It's not a realistic dream, but it's really beautiful there. 3.) We Spent a day in Eureka Springs. 4.) One of my mom's friend's son died of a cancer in his brain, I was very sad, he was seven,his name was Ryan and he loved Shrek. 4.) Kayln and Keali came and we hunted Easter eggs I helped Keali with her basket so all she would have to do is put the egg in, but when she would try she would always throw them at my feet or my shins it was really cute.
April: 1.) I got a new puppy her named is Juno, she was eight weeks old when we got her she's black Devin & Holly gave her to me and said that she is 1/2 wiener dog,but the other 1/2 is a mystery + Flip Flop really likes her. 2.) Juno also had a hernia so she had surgery about 3 days after we got her. 3.) We (me, Tim, & Matt) went to Texas they went to play basket ball for their inter murals team and I guess I was just along for the ride. We spent three days with Richie & Debi. The first night we were there they took us to Medieval Times, it was awesome, I had a really great time. 4.) On the way back from Texas we took Heath, Melissa, Kayln,and Keali to Red Lobster in Little Rock, but this older gentlemen who had commented on how cute the girls were paid for our meals.
May: 1.) Finals started. 2.) I built a sculpture called the Hilary Tree and I showed it with 10 other pieces of artwork at Paragould's Art and Stroll Show. I started working more at Gordon's again. So that's the sum up I think I'll try to write more regular from now on.