Today was strange. This morning at work 2 odd things happened: 1.) My co-worker Angela had a customer, he was in the store for ever, so it turned out he wanted a watch that she was going to have to order, so he said he'd call her back. About an hour or so later he called back and I answered the phone. He said something I
couldn't understand, started laughing and asked to speak with Angela. I handed Angela the phone and she told me that he had asked me if I was the cute one and continued to ask her questions about me like, "Is she married?" = So that was odd cause I can't remember the last time I got hit on. 2.) We sent back a whole lot of Jewelry today and in the return to vendor supplies there was a huge role of bubble wrap, this thing was
probably as big around as a tire on a semi truck &
probably about 3 ft wide. So I got to play with bubble wrap all day long since we used as little of it on packing as possible. After we were done packing up jewelry we wrapped my boss's chair and desk, (not my idea, but I wish I could take credit for it. It was actually compliments of my friend
Sarabeth) with about 4 layers of bubble wrap and duck tape. So I guess work was just easy and a little dull, nobody wants to buy jewelry since gas is so high so my work
experiences as of late have been more and more hum drum since we have to
entertain ourselves.
After work not
alot happened, Tim and I were supposed to go see Indiana Jones with
Clabe and Hilary,but Tim fell asleep and
Clabe had to deal with some family stuff, so Hilary and I went. I feel terrible because about 20 minutes into the film I realize the plot is all about Aliens. Now I
haven't know Hilary for very long, but I do know that she has a terrible fear of Aliens. So I'm sitting
there wondering what she's gonna do. So the second I see the first Alien I naturally start making fun of how rubbery and
ridiculous it looks and laughing
hysterically and she's
barley peeking through her fingers at it. I felt bad but the
CGI was just so bad, it was hard to take the movie seriously; the actors and the people and the sets were great but the
CGI was so incredibly bad. 3 words: Monkeys, Ants, & Aliens......