Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Lambs in Springtime

A few days ago Timmy & I had made an elaborate plan to swim and cook out, and sun tan and do anything we could out side. When we woke up yesterday at around 9:30 ish and it was obvious that there would be no fun in the sun,(because you couldn't see the sun) rain clouds were looming and the day was already ruined before it had even began.

Fortunately I devised an alternative, more fun, plan.

So off we went! We went to Benton to visit Tim's brother Heath and his wife Melissa and their adorable munchkins Kalyn and Keali! We had so much fun! Melissa made us Awesome Blossoms and Baked Potatoes for dinner and we played hide and go seek. We snuggled and talked and took pictures, and we went to get ice cream at Mc Donald's while the littles played on the Mc-y D's playground.

Tim, Kalyn & Keali

Me, Kalyn & Keali

Heath & Keali

Melissa, Keali, Kalyn & Tim

Kalyn & Keali eating ice cream

This is my Favorite picture from our visit. They are tooooooooo perfect for eachother. Cute huh?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We had so much fun having you visit! Come over anytime!!!