Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Since last Thursday....

Again I have not all that much to report. Thursday: Hillary and I went to the Hypess and worked out. I ran 1.75 miles, I also cycled on random for 30 minutes. I felt exillerated and then we went to The Edge coffee house and had fresh fruit smoothies, which are delicious. I had never had a smoothie befor they are good. Plus it was nice to just have girl time. Saturday: My friends who were broken up got back together, so I was very pleased about that. I really did'nt want to have to find new dating friends, what a hassle, plus they are truthfully really good together. Sunday: we went to my parent's house after church to celebrate Emily's 13th birthday. While we were there my went looking through my baby book. She wanted to share the names my Great-grandmother had picked for me before I was born. My top 2 favorite : If I was a boy and my Great-grandmother had any say in it I would be named Otis Elvis, one of her top 3 favorite girl names was Sharon Renis. SHARON RENIS! SHARON R-E-N-I-S!!!!! It makes me laugh hysterically! Other favorites were Marcia Maria or Dean Pierre, which are both kinda silly but Sharon Renis blows my mind-that sounded much worse than I intended. Tim said that if I got famous he would call my biography The History of Sharon Renis. It sounds like a book you would find in the Human sexuality section of Barnes and Noble. WOW!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hey Sharon Penis...Oh, I mean Sharon Renis!
What was she thinking? It was a different time I guess. Thank heavens you were not named that!